We would like to thank the following community sponsors for their commitment to supporting the success of our students.

We would like to thank the following community sponsors for their commitment to supporting the success of our students.
As part of their Community of Kindness Program, Dr. Gangji and Stony Plain Dental Centre are passionate about removing financial barriers for students to participate in sport and arts programming, as they play a vital role in child and youth development.
Stony Plain Dental Centre supports the various programs of choice offered by Connections For Learning as they align with the vision and value of their Community of Kindness Program. As such, they have kindly contributed funding opportunities for students applying to either the My PATH program or Parkland Student Athlete Academy in the 2022-2023 school year.
Through this program, CFL can offer up to 12 scholarships ranging in value from $500 to $2000. Visit the Scholarships page for more information.